
Black Friday is an American phenomenon that, supposedly, began with the financial deroute that occurred with the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869.

Later, the term was used to describe the traffic chaos the day after the American tradition, Thanksgiving, where the Americans travel to visit family and create chaos when going home, as we know ( if nothing else then from the cartoon “Who framed Roger Rabbit” ), that Henry Ford bought as many American railway lines as possible, to make the Americans dependent on his new invention, the automobile, increasing traffic chaos, year after year .

I don`t know if an entreprenant American saw all these cars waiting in line and began to offer them a drive-in shop where they could spend the waiting time, shopping for bargains, but it is certain that Black Friday has become a frantic shopping day, followed by something called Cyber Monday .

If you can buy the fridge you need or the car of your dreams at reduced prices, Black Friday is worth waiting for .

If you are looking to buy quality, that will please you every time you wear it or just when you take it from the closet and admire its beauty and craftsmanship, from to time, perhaps a designer vintage item is a better investment, than giving in to a quick fashion fix .

If so, we suggest a couple of black designer vintage items here :








Featured image: Chanel black quilted sunglasses from the 1980s .

Copyright : Helena Hamilton

Designer vintage news, articles, tips, guides and shopping at www.networkvintage.com


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