Genuine vintage, not cheap tv imitations.

These days it can be tempting to spend time, watching, badly produced tv soap operas. Why not spend the time a little better and read the history or even watch, quality tv dramas, with brilliant, intelligent dialogue and plots, like Downtown Abbey or films like Barry Lyndon by Kubrick or 1900 by Bertolucci ? They are all favorites of mine and can be watched, several times, and with every reviewing, something unseen will intrigue.

At, we don`t spend much time watching television, and as I have studied the science of film, at university, I tend to be a little too analytic, so we are enjoying the vintage clothes, that take inspiration from the great historical dramas, instead.

As, always, we appreciate genuine materials like fat silk and faded, worn, velvet.

Obviously, not all of us can parade around like period drama queens. At the moment the world is, actually, paralyzed in different confinements, because of the current Covid-19 pandemic, and many can`t leave the home, anyway. It is a style that needs some thought to be integrated in a, workable, wardrobe, if it is to be worn outside the home, so while staying at home, we can practise.

On the other hand; I have a black Christian Lacroix, silk taffeta, jacket with broad shoulders, an emphasized tailored waist and a lot of buttons. It is a long equestrian jacket and I have worn it for ages. With chunky boots, leggings while clutching my pearls. Or with a wide tulle skirt and stilettos, while clutching my diamond or hiding it, in fingerless gloves (that I have been wearing, long before Mr Lagerfeld, for the record). Coming to think of it, many musicians have worn the renaissance inspired style, as stage outfits, and one of my favorite bands of the moment, Meute, are easy recognizable, when they play in the streets, in period uniforms.

While my mind has been wandering through old favorite films and their costumes, I have to recommend, a tv-series, it is excellent in it self, but the costumes are remarkable. It is called Endeavour and I was so convinced that the actors were dressed, entirely, in Miu Miu and Prada, that I had to find the name of the genius costumier. Her name is Charlotte Mitchell and is greatly acknowledged for her work on several productions.

Costumier Charlotte Mitchells work can be seen, here :

Charlotte Mitchells view on the fast fashion industry, here :

Downtown Abbey dresses :

1900, the movie by Bertolucci :

Original costumes from Barry Lyndon, by Stanley Kubrick :

Meute, a favorite band at the moment :

Shopping :

Christian Lacroix equestrian velvet jacket :

YSL purple silk mules :

Charles Jordan pompadour shoes

Prada riding jacket in grey cashmere :

Christian Lacroix brocade set with corset jacket and skirt :


The style can, however, also be worn in, new, gorgeous dresses from The Vampires Wife, as seen here :

From our Pinterest board for inspiration :

Paris 8th of February 2021

Copyright : Helena Hamilton , Vintage Gurus

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